The vanished village of Cetviny/Zettwing is located just a few metres from the Czech border with Austria. In the 1950s, the entire village was purposely destroyed due to its close proximity, but miraculously the unique gothic church survived until 1990. In the following years, it was renovated with the help of the original inhabitants of the village.
However, the church lost its context. Today the renovated building stands in the middle of overgrown, unmaintained areas, the place is dark and unpleasant.
The aim of the architecture project was to find a way to simply improve the site without great expense, to commemorate the history of the village and to simplify the maintenance of the church's surroundings.

I propose to create a precisely marked circle around the church. A circle that will clearly define the interface between the wilderness and the maintained area. A circle that will serve as a memorial to a vanished village. Inside of the circle are marked the footprints of the individual houses that have disappeared - the rectory, the school, the shop. The footprints are made in concrete with the original stones inserted, creating a mosaic, a collage. On the edge of each footprint is a wooden bench with information about owners of the house.

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